Friday, March 30, 2012

Rich Man Theater: Journey to the Underworld

Hello, viewers, and happy Pirate Hat Friday!

Today, we are looking at a Rich Man Theater, where we will put up amateur looking videos of classics. This one was a project I had to do for a humanities class, so here it is.

Yes, it's not that great, but it took a bit of time to make. It doesn't have any sound. However, all the other Rich Man Theaters will have sound.

-The Rich Man only known as Thursday

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Introducing Old Man Saturday

When I was your age,  people wouldn't take arrows in the knee every minute.

That's right. Saturday is now Old Man Saturday.

Now, before anyone says anything, I'm talking 100-300 years of age, not less than 100 years.

Any quote is acceptable, from "When I was a young man, people weren't newbs" to "My back hurts! Oh, my toes! Oh, my face"
Monday: Inspirational Monday
Tuesday: Yoga Tuesday
Wednesday: Evil Laugh Wednesday
Thursday: Rich Man Thursday
Friday: Pirate Hat Friday
Saturday: Old Man Saturday

 -The Rich Man Thursday (Not really rich)