Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Important Terms which we need to know, and theory crafting for Starcraft 2

Hello, viewers. If you didn't know before, I am Rich Man Thursday.
Happy Yoga Tuesday, everyone.

Now... do some yoga...

Let us talk about some important terms which we will need to know to for the Java Programming Tutorials:

  • String: A line of text
  • int: an Integer
  • double: a number with decimals
  • float: See above. There is a small difference between the two, though.
  • Array: A list of data members
  • ArrayList: An Expandable list of data members.
  • Method: Code here is used to organize the overall code and to be used multiple times
  • GUI (Pronounced gooey): Graphic User Interface.
  • While loop: A loop that includes a while. This is an example:  int t = 0; While(t>15) { powerLevel = 9001; System.out.println(powerLevel); t++; }
  • For loop: A loop that includes a for. In my opinion, this is a much better option. Creates its own counter and has an automatic addition.
  • Do...While loop: Like a while loop, but works at least once.
  • If... else statement: Just like in Geometry (If...then statements), you use logic to determine what is going to happen next.

Starcraft 2 Theorycrafting :)
Now, I am only a plat terran (I actually play all races, but my worst race, in my opinion, is Terran, so I have decided to try it out.), but I have an idea for TvZ. People seem to despise going Sky Terran for some reason, but I think that an early Viking opening would be useful for sniping out Overlords. For early game defense, expo and throw down some bunkers. Tech up to BCs or stay with Banshee/Viking/Raven to force Corrupters or Hydras and spam either Mech or Bio. I will post replays of this strategy.
Tell me what you think :)

-The Rich Man also known as Thursday (Not really rich, by the way :P)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Rich Man Returns! + Starcraft 2 1.4.3 patch note discussion

Hello, readers, and a happy Old Man Saturday to you.

Sorry I haven't been posting, I was almost devoured by a wild Dragon in the Himalayas. Now that I am back to talk about the new things which I am going to do.
Content Added:

  • Old Man Saturday is now every Saturday
Content to be added in the future:
  • Commentated games of Starcraft, Warcraft, etc. 
  • Rich Man Thursday's Rich Theaters of (not really) masterful performances
  • More programming tutorials (Next up is the finishing up of common data members we will encounter and going on into some actually fun stuff)

Now, I wish to talk about the recent Starcraft 2 patch notes. Here is a link to it: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/4448820/Situation_Report_Patch_143-2_10_2012#blog

There is a few things to note:
1. MULE nerf: Justified, in my opinion. MULEs do not deserve to mine more on Gold Patches. 
2. Snipe nerf: This is a double edged sword, in my opinion. While I like how it will encourage Viking usage against Broodlord Infestor by allowing the ghosts to snipe the infestors to prevent fungal growths, it stops one of my favorite usages of the Ghost: Sniping marines. Early TvT Ghost openers are incredible with snipe.
3. Phoenix Range Upgrade: I approve, as it significantly increases protoss air usage against Zerg's mass Mutas.
4. CPM and APM: I've seen a lot of people cry about the change, which I thought was good. I have to say this is pretty good.

4/5. Snipe nerf may need some addressing, but this is alright.